Monday 28 March 2016

New Years Resolutions Update

With the new year comes the promise of a fresh start and a year full of possibilities and potential opportunities.

I myself am not immune to making resolutions.  Neither am I immune to the failure to follow up on said resolutions.  So I share them with you today in an effort to hold myself accountable.

Here goes:
1) Sort out my health
2) Sort out our finances
3) Put me first (will get to explaining this one later)
4) I have enough, it's time to start giving back and giving away

Not a short or easy list I know, but I'm aiming high this year.  I want to look back on this year and feel like proud.  I also want to be a more rounded (not rounder) individual.

Apparently the average life span of any resolution is 6-7 weeks, so how am I doing so far?

1) Sorting out my health - Fair:
- Lost 3.6kgs since the beginning of the year.  Woohoo!
- My cholestrol, thyroid, liver and kidneys have passed their blood tests with flying colours
- Haven't actually started exercising, which I need to more for my stress levels than anything else
2) Sorting out our finances - Amazing:
- Now Matt and I both sit down monthly to work on our budget
- We use the cash envelope system to pay for our monthly expenses
- We have spoken about and written down both our 2016 financial goals for our family, as well as financial goals for our future
- I have set up an amazing grocery spreadsheet which I use to record the pricepoints of items we purchase from our local grocery stores. We now only purchase items which are at that pricepoint or lower
- By scanning pamphlets the day prior to grocery shopping, making itemised lists prior to shopping, and purchasing items which are on special in bulk, we have managed to save on average R800 a month on groceries
- We have also been cooking in bulk and freezing portions for our "lazy-to-cook" nights which has stopped us from eating unhealthy, expensive take out.
- We have been switching off plug points when not in use, and switching off our geyser during the day.  This has saved us another R100 on average a month.
- On a monthly basis I have been filing receipts and tracking our purchases
- Best of all Matt and I are both on the same page financially. This has been a huge relief to us both, not wondering where we'll be financially at the end of every month
3) Putting me first - Not so great:
- My goal this year was to invest time and energy in myself first, so that I would have enough time and energy left over to take care of everyone else.  Sometimes we invest so much of ourselves in our job, our marriage, our friends, children etc. that we leave very little for ourselves. A burnt out, tired and frustrated you is not very much use to anybody.
- My goal is to become better at setting boundaries in both a personal and professional capacity. Sometimes in an effort to make everybody else happy, I end up being unhappy and failing to give the best of myself
4) Having enough, giving away and giving back - also not so great:
- I've been doing great on the not purchasing unneccessary items bit.  Matt has (mostly) been very proud of me.
- In terms of giving away material possessions I did a great job just prior to our move but could definitely afford to let some more 'stuff' go
- In terms of giving back there are so many great organisations close to home that I want to get involved in and volunteer with: iThembalethu; Habitat for Humanity; We <3 Durban; Kenneth Gardens. I just need to make time for something that I know will bring me so much joy

I will hopefully be breaking these down as we go along this year, as each resolution is made up of a bunch of mini-goals.

Wish me luck...I'm going to need it!