Friday 8 April 2016

I Never Want To Stop Learning

I had this thought last night...

...I never want to stop learning.

I don't mean in the traditional studying toward a degree or diploma sense, because the thought of that just fills me with panicky dread. I think back on those 2AM alarms which I set to study my chemistry or biochemistry textbooks the morning of the exam, and I immediately feel nauseous.

I mean, in the pick up a book from the library, watching a you-tube how to video, finding an older mentor, attending a specialised conference, attending a film festival, watching a documentary, discovering old music, reading one of the great novels sense.

We become so filled with fear as we get older; afraid to make mistakes and be thought a fool; afraid to be different from those we choose to surround ourselves with.

We also become so stagnant; watching the same mind-numbing junk on television over and over again; going to the same restaurants; meeting with the same people; travelling on the same roads to the same places. Our minds thrive on change, diversity, challenges and new environments.

There are still so many things I want to know how to do before I die: study the psychology of human behaviour for fun; write my mom's life story; learn how to sew (and quilt in particular), mosaic and fix my own car; take an introductory photography course; make the perfect cappucino; run a 10km race; hike Fish River Canyon; travel to every one of my must-see-before-I-die destinations (only the list keeps on getting longer); read every one of the books on the "hundred books to read before you die" list (I'm proud to say that I've already knocked a few off of the list); plant my own vegetable garden (which hopefully grows to the point that I can harvest them); learn about stamp and coin collecting; volunteer for an NGO; study a finance course just for me; learn to rally drive; learn about copywriting and brand management; take a cooking or baking class. Why? Because these things interest me. Not because I want to change my profession or be something I'm not, but because I think we are all so much more than we allow ourselves to be. We're layered; multi-faceted and complex. We're meant for more.

I went through a phase in my life where I only read classic novels. Wuthering Heights; Sense and Sensibility; Pride and Prejudice; the collected works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I spoke in old Edwardian English for weeks. It was beautiful. I need to make more time to do things like that. Things that expand my mind and bring me joy.

I also went through a foreign films phase: Amelie and Ignorant Fairies. I wasn't sure I was going to like them at first but I now count them among my favourites.
I rediscovered my brother's extensive music collection with the likes of Tom Petty; Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band; Aerosmith; Bob Dylan and the Beatles. I may be nearly 31 but I'm proud to say I know and like the music of Edith Piaf and Nina Simone when most of my generation would be asking: Who?

I annoy people sometimes by asking alot of questions. I know I pry but I'm interested in what you do; how you do it and why? What lead you here; why you keep on choosing to do what you do.

I never want to stop learning...

Friday 1 April 2016

Jenn's Favourite Blogs

Everyone has that one hidden shameful thing that they do when they want to escape from the world.

For some that's a few glasses (or a bottle) of wine; for others it's a whole season of "Keeping up With the Kardashians" or a particularly challenging level of Candy Crush...but for me it's reading blogs.

I remember reading my first blog post five years ago and feeling so incredibly inspired. I had no idea that people across the world dedicated so much time and energy into sharing their life's passions and experiences through their blog.

From that day forward I was hooked.

Nowadays you can find blogs dedicated to everything from: finances, DIY, cult classic movies, photography, reviews from self-confessed coffee geeks, small space living, whittling, nail art, food, travel, fashion and more. There's even a lady is S.A. whose whole blog is dedicated to the crafts (buttons etc.) she makes from avocado pips. Whatever your passion you can be sure to find someone, somewhere in the world to share it with.  It may take some time for you to find your voice, but when you do, the whole world can become your community.

All blogs are not created equal however, so here it is, my favourite go-to blogs:

- Nomadic Matt
This was the first blog post I ever read. I remember reading his "Everyone Says I'm Running Away" blog post about ten times, and then afterwards bookmarking it so that I could go back and read it again. That's how much it spoke to me. Matt has such a unique voice and perspective on each place that he travels to. I especially love that he is a "budget" traveller and that he teaches others, and features other travellers, who do the same. His travel hacks are certainly worth a read as he actually used these to fund his own travels.
Nomadic Matt doesn't travel as much anymore (being based in New York after years of travelling the globe) but I still go back to his blog to re-read his inspirational stories and amazing writing.
- Getting Stamped
Can you say phenomenal travel photography and self-maintained travel website? Their Moroccan "Drunk on Colour Tour' was perhaps my favourite of their travel photography. I love that they feature some unique destinations which are off of the well-worn traveller path; that they hike; and their comprehensive Koh Lipe travel guide which features some exquisite beach photography. If that doesn't make you want to get off of your butt and travel the world then nothing will.
Hannah and Adam are currently travelling, by converted camper, through all 50 states. Seattle is still my favourite state (just saying).

- I am That Lady
I first found Lauren and Mark through their YouTube video blogs. What an honest, open and down-to-earth couple. Their easy to follow advice and opening up about their own financial journey, really makes you feel that if they can get out of debt, then you can too.  I love that they have such a variety of content so there's something for everyone to read, from the crafty stay-at-home mom to the working married couple looking to cut down expenses or supplement their income. Lauren's money saving tips related to groceries and meal planning alone is worth it's weight in gold. My favourite "I am that lady" content is actually her early YouTube videos sharing her financial journey and advice. Watching these you can really see how passionate she is about personal finance.
- Our Debt Free Family
I love that when Monica writes, it's as if she's talking to her best friend. Monica is ridiculously organised, and open about her and her family's ambitious financial goals, which are to be debt free and have their mortage paid off by the age of 40. Monica also features many inspirational people who are either in the process of getting out of debt or who are now debt free.  One of my favourite Monica posts is "how to recover from a setback on your debt free journey".

- Nieniedialogues
I first found Stephanie through her memoirs which I purchased from a local book store. I am one of those people who purchase a book based on the cover (shameful I know). The beautifully designed, colourful cover was the reason I picked it up in the first place.
The way Stephanie wrote about her husband in particular really touched me. It was so tender and loving.
I finished reading her book in a day and a half and then got started on her archived blog posts. That took me a few days longer to get through.
What an amazing mom. Her family's life makes me long for a simpler, happier way of being, than what our culture currently tells us we should want for our lives. Finding joy, satisfaction and purpose in being a wife and mother speaks to me. It truly is a calling. I also love that Stephanie tries to find the good in every day, despite her difficulties. My favourite Stephanie posts are those from when her and her husband were just starting out, with their orange tree in their backyard and going out for ice-cream on their date nights. I also love her posts where the whole family converges on the Nielson family ranch.
- Baby Boy Bakery
How one grieving mama can inspire me to appreciate life more each day is such a gift. Her son Ryan (and now her baby girl Mila) are so beautiful and again, the love with which she describes the act of mothering, really touches me. Jacqui writes as if she is writing for herself, she shares all of her mistakes and imperfections. It's beautifully vulnerable, honest and real and I love that about her. I guess that's why so many people can relate to her.  Jacqui is also besides being a wife and mother, an amazing baker (check out her cinnamon roll and smoothie recipes); very hip, fashionable and on trend. She also takes pretty amazing instagram photos (what a good looking family!)

I have been reading these blogs for so long now that it eventually feels like you know each person. Each of their tradgedies find you silently rooting that things will work out, and each of their triumphs feel like a win for you too.
I especially love it when each of my favourite blog authors list their favourite blogs as I get to discover a whole new world of blogs.

What are some of your favourite blogs?