Friday 8 April 2016

I Never Want To Stop Learning

I had this thought last night...

...I never want to stop learning.

I don't mean in the traditional studying toward a degree or diploma sense, because the thought of that just fills me with panicky dread. I think back on those 2AM alarms which I set to study my chemistry or biochemistry textbooks the morning of the exam, and I immediately feel nauseous.

I mean, in the pick up a book from the library, watching a you-tube how to video, finding an older mentor, attending a specialised conference, attending a film festival, watching a documentary, discovering old music, reading one of the great novels sense.

We become so filled with fear as we get older; afraid to make mistakes and be thought a fool; afraid to be different from those we choose to surround ourselves with.

We also become so stagnant; watching the same mind-numbing junk on television over and over again; going to the same restaurants; meeting with the same people; travelling on the same roads to the same places. Our minds thrive on change, diversity, challenges and new environments.

There are still so many things I want to know how to do before I die: study the psychology of human behaviour for fun; write my mom's life story; learn how to sew (and quilt in particular), mosaic and fix my own car; take an introductory photography course; make the perfect cappucino; run a 10km race; hike Fish River Canyon; travel to every one of my must-see-before-I-die destinations (only the list keeps on getting longer); read every one of the books on the "hundred books to read before you die" list (I'm proud to say that I've already knocked a few off of the list); plant my own vegetable garden (which hopefully grows to the point that I can harvest them); learn about stamp and coin collecting; volunteer for an NGO; study a finance course just for me; learn to rally drive; learn about copywriting and brand management; take a cooking or baking class. Why? Because these things interest me. Not because I want to change my profession or be something I'm not, but because I think we are all so much more than we allow ourselves to be. We're layered; multi-faceted and complex. We're meant for more.

I went through a phase in my life where I only read classic novels. Wuthering Heights; Sense and Sensibility; Pride and Prejudice; the collected works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I spoke in old Edwardian English for weeks. It was beautiful. I need to make more time to do things like that. Things that expand my mind and bring me joy.

I also went through a foreign films phase: Amelie and Ignorant Fairies. I wasn't sure I was going to like them at first but I now count them among my favourites.
I rediscovered my brother's extensive music collection with the likes of Tom Petty; Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band; Aerosmith; Bob Dylan and the Beatles. I may be nearly 31 but I'm proud to say I know and like the music of Edith Piaf and Nina Simone when most of my generation would be asking: Who?

I annoy people sometimes by asking alot of questions. I know I pry but I'm interested in what you do; how you do it and why? What lead you here; why you keep on choosing to do what you do.

I never want to stop learning...

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