Thursday 4 June 2015

Positive Affirmations

I used to think positive affirmations were a pretty wishy-washy concept, when I first came across the idea.

Both Lisa Raleigh (fitness expert) and SARK (inspirational author) speak about the power of positive affirmations, as well as the ones which they use on a daily basis.

The one which Lisa Raleigh's uses is, "Everyday in every way I'm getting better and better".

SARK's is, "I am enough, I have enough, I do enough". This one I love, as it's all-encompassing.
Her other affirmation which she uses is, "I am welcome everywhere".

I figure, they're both successful in their chosen professions so there can't be any harm in trying it out (which is what I tell myself to make it okay in my head). I like SARK's first mantra and use it when I'm walking/jogging at the beach to clear my head and focus on the task at hand.

I found some other popular affirmations:

  •  'I change my thoughts, I change my world' - Norman Vincent Peale
  • 'I am a daughter of the universe and it's power is in me, whatever I desire it will come to be' - Linda McCane
  • I am at peace with what is, was and will be. I forgive you, I forgive me
  • My body is healthy, my mind is brilliant, my soul is tranquil
  • My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless, my potential to succeed is infinite
  • 'Desire, ask, believe, receive' - Stella Ferrill Mann
Find one that works for you, and give it a go, you have nothing to lose!

On a side note, I am now on the third coat of white paint for the headboard. I think this may be the final one (hold thumbs). Once we're happy with the result we're going to be painting an image directly onto the headboard. It's going to be beautiful! But I have also had some other great ideas for alternatives i.e. carving a design/image directly into the wood; using a stencil to paint an image or design onto the wood; gluing a vinyl wall sticker onto the wood or putting a mosaic onto the wood. The options are endless my friends and it's tough picking just one, but if I don't we may never be done.
White paint coat two
White paint coat one

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