Monday 10 August 2015

The Power of Putting Pen to Paper

I am a firm believer in the power of putting pen to paper. Whatever situation it is that you're struggling with: finding the right person to share your life with; the right job; home; sorting out a financial life plan; sticking to a diet or exercise plan etc. My husband thinks that makes me a bit loopy, but it works. There's something about seeing an idea/wish/goal in black and white that makes it achievable and helps keep you on track.

6 months before I met Matt I sat down and wrote out a list of qualities I wanted in the person I next dated. I didn't hold back and when the list was done I had 21 points in total. It was very specific, and though I knew the chances of meeting a guy with all 21 qualities was slim, I hoped anyway. I knew the list would keep me from dating someone whom I was horribly incompatible with (yet again) and also help me recognize Mr Right when he did come along.  More importantly, I knew that if I did meet this person we would value and want the same things in life.

My husband has 20 of those 21 qualities and I have never been happier or more loved. Matt is my best friend, and even in the toughest of times we still have fun together.

I pulled out the old journal again recently, went alone to my favourite happy place - Durban Botanical Gardens - and wrote out a list for my ideal job. I was as specific as possible, writing out what field of work I wanted to be in; what area of Durban I wanted to work in; my ideal hours; my starting salary; even going as far as to describe my ideal boss. A week later I had my job, after weeks of searching. It is exactly what I need at this point in my life. My boss makes me feel valued and appreciated, which is worth is worth it's weight in gold to me. My husband and I now get to travel to work together everyday, and I get home in time to make us both a decent dinner and still have energy left over to spend some quality time with Matt and indulge in my hobbies when the mood takes me.

On our fridge I have put up our financial plan for the near future. Seeing it everyday reminds us of what it is we're working towards, and nothing is more rewarding than ticking off each mini goal as it's accomplished. It reminds us that though some days may be hard, we are slowly making our way toward the life we have envisioned.

We will be moving soon and you can be sure that before we even start to look at potential properties that I will have our list ready. This will help me to know where we are willing to compromise and where we are not. It doesn't mean we will necessarily end up with our dream home, but that we will get the most for our money and end up with a home that makes us far happier than the place we are currently in (which I swear is getting busier and noisier by the day).

Please try it. I hope it works for you.

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