Saturday 22 August 2015

An Ode To Projects Completed

Guys, we finally finished painting our headboard, and by we, I mean Matt. I am so happy with how it turned out. Below is a photo of the finished product, which will only be hung once we move (as I don't want to have to re-paint an entire wall at this stage).

He did such a great job - thanks Matt!

I did eventually take a photo of that yummy chocolate pudding, which I enjoyed with a glass of red wine (thanks Amanda)

My sister-in-law Shekinah's music video was released on South African television and it is being played at least once an hour on 5FM and East Coast Radio. She has such an amazing voice and we are so incredibly proud of her!

To watch the video go here:

Matt and I are joining Christoff and Marguerite (a couple from church) at their house once a week for Story Sessions.  It's been interesting so far, learning about each person's life story and their journey with Christ.  Plus the bacon and cheese muffins which Christoff made were delish!

Matt and I finally hiked the blue trail at Krantzkloof, which was about 2 hours long and relatively flat, so a great option for families with younger children.  It also ends with a waterfall (in the rainy season) which is an added bonus.

For anyone looking for free group exercise sessions in Durban, there's the Park Run (or walk) on the North Beach promenade on Saturdays at 8AM (but you have to register online first), as well as Club 117 which offers group training sessions in Bulwer park on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings. If you want more information visit their Facebook site.

And just because it's funny and I forgot to tell you all, the day my mom arrived from Taiwan was a doosy. We got home from the airport (a good 30-40 minute drive away) only to realise my mom had collected somebody else's suitcase. She called the airport helpdesk and they let her know that her suitcase was there and she could come to collect it. She was advised to contact the person whose luggage she had taken, and arrange directly with them to meet and hand their luggage over.

So my mom got back into the car to drive to the airport. When she got there she was told she couldn't collect her luggage until she handed over the other person's luggage (which was safely tucked away at my sister's house). After some negotiation, my mom was finally allowed to take her luggage home. My mom can be persuasive when she wants to be.

In the meantime, my sister and I managed to find a business card in one of the bag pockets which had a web address on it, which in turn lead to a mobile number. When we eventually managed to get hold of him, it turned out Mr Uwe Schmolke had already travelled to Margate (a good hour and a half away) and needed his diving equipment and wetsuit (which was in his suitcase) before sunrise the next morning, which was the first dive of his underwater photography trip. So off my mom went again, this time to the central bus terminal to buy a 'seat' for the suitcase to travel to Margate, where Mr Schmolke would eventually collect it.

It is never a dull day with my mom around!

So what I learnt from this experience is:
1) Always check that your luggage is indeed YOUR luggage
2) I think it's pretty amazing when people use their vacation time/travels and combine it with their passions, whether it's through a working holiday or volunteering
3) Mr Schmolke has some pretty cool underwater photographs which you can view here:

Whatever you get up to this weekend, I hope you have an amazing time with your loved ones.

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