Sunday 28 June 2015

Strong Women - My Peas and Carrots

If you've ever watched Forrest Gump, you'll remember the scene when Forrest says, "Jenny and me was like peas and carrots".

I was lucky enough to find my peas and carrots at a young age. They are Keryn (Ker Bear), Taryn (Tally) and Heloise (Helu Belu). We all grew up in a tiny suburb within walking distance of one another (okay Helu was a very short train ride/car ride away). Ker and I became friends at age 10 and Helu and Tally became my friends at age 14 (that's 20 and 16 years of friendship respectively). Sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago, and at the same time I remember it like it was yesterday. No matter where in the world I/they go they will always be my best friends.

Keryn, Taryn, Me and Heloise

Our friendship has been cemented over many years and many firsts: first boyfriends, first breakups, braces, career choices, weddings, apartments, travels, books and one baby. That saying, "we'll always be friends because you know too much about me" rings so true for us. We've seen each other at our best and worst. We know each other's fears and secret desires. We are all so different from one another but somehow when we are together it just works. The best part of this foursome, is that when we are together we are capable of laughing so hard that our sides hurt and we're gasping for breath.

We're don't all live in the same city anymore but we will always be close to each other's hearts. Time has marched on, and we don't chat as often, what with careers and families of our own, but I know that if I ever need them, they will be there.

I proudly introduce you to them all:
Right now Tally is a hedge fund manager (am I right Tal?) living in Cape Town. She is creative (paints, writes songs, plays guitar and sings), funny and a social butterfly. Tally loves her family and good wine (equally I think ;) and is so great at getting groups of people together and getting along.

Some of my favourite Tally memories are sleepovers at her house, followed by watching Fifth Element and Armageddon (they were on the same VHS cassette) whilst consuming copious amounts of butter popcorn.

When I first met Tally she told me the following joke, and I just knew we were going to be great friends, "what did the fish say when it swam into the wall - dam".

Helu is a doctor, and she works with newborn babies (am I right Helu?). Heloise is part mom (in the supportive catch you when you fall sense), part person who tells you things you aren't necessarily ready to hear, but may need to.

Heloise doesn't crack under pressure, and I think her mom described her best when she said that, "heloise makes her own wind". Where there is a will there is a way, and Helu has alot of will.  She is incredibly successful and has become so through her own doing.

Helu and I can talk about everything and nothing for hours on end (she and I are the only Durbanites left) and we both love to spend hours trawling Exclusive Books.

One of my favourite Helu memories is her inviting me to her house for a visit, and me going over there in tracksuit pants and a sweatshirt, only to find her in her pj's. That's true comfortable friendship right there.

Ker Bear is my oldest friend. Ker and I love to read and talk, and sometimes we read and talk about travel (our other love). Making Ker laugh is the best.

Ker is that friend who always wakes up early, bakes and cooks, can tile a floor, has a measuring tape in her bag when you suddenly need one, as well as that girl you message when you're in Durban and she's in London who can find that florist from that one time years ago, when your wedding is coming up and you've hit full panic mode. She can do things like that you know (even from the UK where she now lives). Ker is a geologist (not a meteorologist) with two honours degrees (because sometimes one isn't enough).

My favourite memory of Ker is living with her, pouring a glass of wine, putting on a girlie movie, pressing pause after 5 mins to quickly chat about something and realising 2.5 hours later that we never watched the movie.

I am beyond blessed to know and love each one of these strong women. I miss you guys so much and love you all (you can thank me later for not putting up any pics from when we were teenagers).

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Jenn's Favourite Places - Krantzkloof Nature Reserve

This weekend gone past Matt and I went to Krantzkloof Nature Reserve to hike. This may be my most favourite thing to do in the whole wide world. It may also be Matthew's least favourite thing, but he does it with me anyway because he loves me.

I love it so much, because within a half hour of leaving home I can forget that I live in the city.  It's quiet and peaceful and my heart feels full being outdoors.

Some useful information to remember if you're headed there is that there is an entrance fee to use the facilities i.e. even if you're not hiking and you're just going for a picnic you'll still need to pay an entrance fee of R20 per adult and R10 per child, unless you can present a Rhino card.

Secondly there are some great picnic and braai areas to use before or after your hike.

There are many trails to choose from but we usually end up going on the black trail which offers amazing views of the gorge, as well as a view of both the top and bottom of the waterfall.  Next on my list is the white or blue trail (which Matt is hoping I forget about between now and when we go again).

Enjoy some pics from the hike:

Matthew makes fun of my shoes all the time, but I have yet to slip or trip in these bad boy Merrells

Gorgeous views of the gorge. We were also lucky enough that day to see a hawk riding the thermals in their characteristic upward circular pattern.

Everytime we pass this tiny stone house with its fireplace sitting on the edge of the cliff I tell Matt that I'm going to live there one day.

What is normally the top of a cascading waterfall during the rainy season

Rock Hyrax hiding spot and our break point

I felt so proud of us nearing the end of our hike, until this tiny girl came past us running up the trail. Once we had completed the hike we were relaxing at one of the picnic tables only to see her run past us again on her way to another trail. Oh you crazy trailrunners you! One day that will be me.

Cool woodland creatures which you should be on the lookout for include the rock hyrax. Although we didn't see any this time, we have before. The trick is you have to be very, very quiet (not so easy for me).

This is normally the cascading waterfall. I will have to go back in summer to show you what it really looks like

Halfway point selfies

Seasonal wildflowers

Fern forest

And I know I'm going to sound like a Mom now but please pack the following for any hike because it's better to be prepared than sorry: lots of water, snacks, sunscreen and a lightweight jacket in case the weather turns. Please also leave any valuables in the car where possible. And lastly wear comfy shoes with lots of grip. We were lucky this time in that the trail was quite dry but I've been there before when it's muddy and it is slippery! 

Till next time folks :-)

Wednesday 10 June 2015

I'm Back!!!

Hi all, I'm back.  Sorry for the long absence. I started my new job this Monday gone past and have been in bed early every night this week. What is it about a new job that completely fries your brain? I suppose somewhere between learning everybody's name (and trying to remember it); figuring out where the bathroom and paper shredder is located as well as coming to grips with your new position and tasks, there isn't much room or energy left for very much else. But nevermind, because next week will be better!

A word on my new job (which I will blog about another time) - Matthew and I are firm believers in the power of prayer. When this job opportunity came up, although I really wanted it, our prayer wasn't "please Lord let Jenn get this job" it was "Lord if this job is the right one for Jenn, then please let her get it". It was a subtle difference but an important one. It was having faith that if something was meant to be, it would be, instead of having a heart full of fear and following our own desires based on that fear. And then once it was confirmed that I'd be appointed there was a whole lotta "thank you, thank you, thank you" prayers, because let's be honest there was no way I'd be getting this job so soon if it wasn't for Him.

So what did we get up to this weekend? On Friday night my sister and I explored the Musgrave Centre Rooftop Night Market. I was pleasantly surprised! Many of the I Heart Market vendors were there, which meant that my favourite homemade kiddies' clothes, second-hand refurbished clothes, one of a kind designer clothing, jewellery, wooden boards with quirky sayings and yummy eats were on display. Do yourself a favour and skip making dinner on this particular Friday night and instead indulge in some yummy Colombo coffee/smoothies/homemade lemonade followed by a stirfry/wrap/prego roll/Greek delicacy and then finish off the evening with a Wicked Donut (these were sold out by the time we left!).  Think of flavours such as peanut butter blast or nutella filled doughnut holes. Yum!

Local musical talent performs in turn. There was a Matthew Mole-esque guitarist performing earlier in the evening.

The market packed to capacity already.

People with awesome hair like this hang out there. They really do.

We were lucky to get there early enough, and you should to, because it does tend to get manic later on in the evening, and you'll be fighting it out for a spot to sit.

The market is held the first Friday of every month. You should be there!

The next day I attended the "Women of Worth 2015" ladies tea at LIV Village with Natz. We were spoilt with cappuccinos and sweet treats made by the ladies trained at the culinary school, lovely handmade gifts, four amazing guest speakers, some worship, and a fashion show put on by the female teenagers who live at the village.  They were displaying the accessories which are made by local ladies in the factory and sold in the little shop (both located on-site). Just for your information if you are looking for gorgeous one of a kind gifts please look here. They stock beautiful baby onesies, baby booties, bags, cushions, shirts, keyring etc.  100% of the profit goes to the children who stay in the village.

The story of how LIV Village came to be is an amazing one, which you can read about here:
That story alone moved me to tears (which if you know me, you'll know it's not hard to do) but what really touched me was Kimberly's story: of how she fell in love with her husband (I'm a major sucker for romance), their five little ones and their missionary work. She spoke of how the greatest praise/worship which we can offer to God is not in our moments of fame or glory, but rather in our most desperate moments. She started singing then and I don't think there was a dry eye in the house!  I am so glad I had the opportunity to attend this event.
To read Kimberly's story go here:

They are also starting an outreach programme called "Extreme Love" within the next two months, so I can't wait to see what that's about.

Enjoy some pics from the day below:

Have a good week all of you. I hope to be back again this week, but won't make any promises.  I will be back to my old self and blog from next week for sure.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Positive Affirmations

I used to think positive affirmations were a pretty wishy-washy concept, when I first came across the idea.

Both Lisa Raleigh (fitness expert) and SARK (inspirational author) speak about the power of positive affirmations, as well as the ones which they use on a daily basis.

The one which Lisa Raleigh's uses is, "Everyday in every way I'm getting better and better".

SARK's is, "I am enough, I have enough, I do enough". This one I love, as it's all-encompassing.
Her other affirmation which she uses is, "I am welcome everywhere".

I figure, they're both successful in their chosen professions so there can't be any harm in trying it out (which is what I tell myself to make it okay in my head). I like SARK's first mantra and use it when I'm walking/jogging at the beach to clear my head and focus on the task at hand.

I found some other popular affirmations:

  •  'I change my thoughts, I change my world' - Norman Vincent Peale
  • 'I am a daughter of the universe and it's power is in me, whatever I desire it will come to be' - Linda McCane
  • I am at peace with what is, was and will be. I forgive you, I forgive me
  • My body is healthy, my mind is brilliant, my soul is tranquil
  • My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless, my potential to succeed is infinite
  • 'Desire, ask, believe, receive' - Stella Ferrill Mann
Find one that works for you, and give it a go, you have nothing to lose!

On a side note, I am now on the third coat of white paint for the headboard. I think this may be the final one (hold thumbs). Once we're happy with the result we're going to be painting an image directly onto the headboard. It's going to be beautiful! But I have also had some other great ideas for alternatives i.e. carving a design/image directly into the wood; using a stencil to paint an image or design onto the wood; gluing a vinyl wall sticker onto the wood or putting a mosaic onto the wood. The options are endless my friends and it's tough picking just one, but if I don't we may never be done.
White paint coat two
White paint coat one

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Because We All Need A Little Poetry In Our Lives

When I was in high school, I was lucky enough to have the best English teacher in the world (in my opinion at least). Mrs Fisher came to Durban Girls High School from the University of KwaZulu Natal where she had taught English for many years.

She was witty, talking in a posh English accent despite the fact that she was Afrikaans by birth; she wore fishnet stockings under her long dresses (at our uber conservative school); she said funny things like, "only the best ladies shop at Foschini's"; she spent much of our lessons playing the devil's advocate whilst debating whatever topic she'd thought of that day and most of all she encouraged each of her students to challenge themselves and be more.

Mrs Fisher was the reason I read all of "Worldscapes - A collection of verse compiled by Robin Malan" (which was our set book for poetry) for fun and she also encouraged me in my creative writing, which I enjoyed so much.

I recently finished reading "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed for the second time, which should tell you how much I loved it. A story focussing on one woman's search to find herself whilst hiking the Pacific Crest Mountain Trail. The lead character (the author) made me think of the following poem which you can find in the worldscapes book.  It's beautiful.

Song - Adrienne Rich

You're wondering if I'm lonely:
OK then, yes, I'm lonely
as a plane rides lonely and level
on its radio beam, aiming
across the Rockies
for the blue-strung aisles
of an airfield on the ocean

You want to ask, am I lonely?
Well, of course, lonely
as a woman driving across country
day after day, leaving behind
mile after mile
little towns she might have stopped
and lived and died in, lonely

If I'm lonely
it must be the loneliness
of waking first, of breathing
dawn's first cold breath on the city
of being the one awake
in a house wrapped in sleep

If I'm lonely
it's with the rowboat ice-fast on the shore
in the last red light of the year
that knows what it is, that knows it's neither
ice nor mud nor winter light
but wood, with a gift for burning

My happy place - Durban Botanical Gardens