Saturday 16 May 2015

Daily Inspiration

For those of you old enough to remember a T.V. series called 'Ally Mcbeal' the lead character had a song which she would listen to whenever she needed to psych herself up or needed a little inspiration. For her it was Tom Jones. For me it's this song.

Whenever I'm feeling a little down, in the early morning in the last five minutes just before I reach work or just before I go jogging I put this song on at full blast to feel happy and inspired. Matt thinks I'm crazy but he lets me sing it at the top of my voice anyway. He doesn't know that when he's not there I listen to it on repeat.

One Republic - 'I Lived'

Hope when you take that jump, you don't fear the fall
Hope when the water rises, you built a wall
Hope when the crowd screams out, they're screaming your name
Hope if everybody runs, you choose to stay

Hope that you fall in love, and it hurts so bad
The only way you can know is give it all you have
And I hope that you don't suffer but take the pain
Hope when the moment comes, you'll say...

I, I did it all
I, I did it all
I owned every second that this world could give
I saw so many places, the things that I did
With every broken bone, I swear I lived

Hope that you spend your days, but they all add up
And when the sun goes down, hope you raise your cup
Oh, I wish that I could witness all your joy and all your pain
But until my moment comes, I'll say...

I, I did it all
I, I did it all
I owned every second that this world could give
I saw so many places, the things that I did
With every broken bone, I swear I lived

With every broken bone, I swear I lived
With every broken bone, I swear I

I, I did it all
I, I did it all
I owned every second that this world could give
I saw so many places, the things that I did
With every broken bone, I swear I lived

I swear I lived.

Thanks to Elizabeth for giving me this song. Lizzie knows that I always fall in love with a song's lyrics first.

Hwange National Park at sunset

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