Wednesday 13 May 2015

Weekend Roundup

Morning all, and apologies for the delay in posts - it has already been a busy week :)

Here is the weekend roundup:
Sunday was what we like to call a lazy day in the Donnell household (they're needed sometimes). We slept in, ate some yummy vanilla flapjacks and finished up the evening with a Mother's Day celebration at Siz and Phil's house. It's always my favourite way to end the week. We watched the extremely addictive 'Treehouse Masters'. Always reminds me that it is possible for people to make their passion their careers.

Monday I made one of our favourite dinners: fajita's. So yummy! It's not the same as the delicious carne asada burritos we used to buy in West Seattle but they're pretty close ;) Does anyone know where I can get black beans or wholewheat tortillas? I'm going to try Everfresh and let you all know.

Jenn's fajita
Matt's fajitas

There are some really great recipes I want to try out over the next two weeks. Pics to follow - wish me luck!

On Tuesday I indulged in my new favourite activity - walking/jogging at the beach. To be honest in the beginning it was more walking and people watching than jogging but now that I'm getting stronger there's short bursts of jogging involved. One of these days I'll be running the full 10kms. At least that's the goal.

There is something about the fresh sea air and sunshine that really clears my head and helps me relax in a way that a gym doesn't. This is my 'me time' when I try my best to stay in the moment and enjoy myself instead of running through an endless to-do list. It's also the time of day when God and I chat if I have something something that's on my heart and I need to discuss.

What's your favourite way to relax and unwind?

I will try to post some pics of the beach at sunset so that you can all see why I love it so much.

Coming up
Inspired by Mother's Day, tomorrow I'm going to post the first in my weekly feature of strong women in my life. It's hard not to be inspired by the women around you, especially when you realise the many roles a woman takes on in her life as well as the many sacrifices she makes for the ones she loves.

Also this weekend's DIY will be making my own headboard. Not sure as yet whether we'll be painting directly on the wall, buying a piece of plywood and stencilling a design on it or whether we'll go the whole nine yards and make a headboard out of a piece of plywood, foam and fabric. It'll all depend on how ambitious I'm feeling and whether we can find all the supplies at our local hardware shop. I can't wait, this has been a long time coming!

Hope you all have an amazing week

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