Monday 25 May 2015

Weekend Catch-Up


On Friday night I finally started my DIY headboard project.  I painted the wood primer onto the pine shelf. Note to self: this project would have been better undertaken outside with fresh air and lots of space.  I spent all of Saturday with a minor headache, dizzy spells and slighty queasy, but it will be well worth it in the end!

Halfway through painting on wood primer

Wood primer painting complete and waiting for it to dry


On Saturday Natalie and I went for an early morning walk at the beach. It was so early (6:30 AM) that not only did we get to watch a beautiful orange sunrise, but I forgot to take some pics. We ended it off with a much deserved cappuccino at Circus Circus.

I spent the rest of Saturday morning cleaning, then took a short nap with Matt (we're currently sharing the same flu germs as one does when you're in love), woke up to load shedding and headed off to Pavilion shopping centre for a snack and a walkabout.


Matthew and I taking selfies before we left home

Our new shoes. So excited

So Sunday was our 1 year wedding anniversary. I cannot believe how time has flown by. I can remember our wedding day like it was yesterday. We are so lucky to have found one another.  I love my husband more and more each day.  He is my rock, my greatest cheerleader and my best friend. I love you my Matthew xxx

We started our day with the East Coast Radio Big Walk. It was Matt, myself, Phil, Siz, Aphiwe and Ayabonga walking together.


I cannot believe how many people attended this event. It was busy but so much fun.

We completed our 10 km walk in 1 hour and 45 mins. Yay us!

That evening Matt and I celebrated our anniversary at Mamma Lucianos. I love having dinner there. It's so small and cosy, and the pastas are amazing.

1 year older and wiser, and still very much in love

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